Rectangle 28@2xGroup 21Group 29@2xGroup 29-1@2xGroup 29-3@2xGroup 29-4@2xGroup 29-5@2xGroup 29-6@2xGroup 29-7@2x

Fractal geometry

2018 - 2019
This is fractal archive - book created from year long collection of shapes and textures.

When diving into the depths of the world around you, noticing for instance a simple leaf on a tree, you discover that its veins are flowing on and on in the same pace.

This phenomenon received a name fractal. Never ending. Constantly ongoing without the beginning and without the end. To me, it seems as a perfect visual representation of infinity. An endless loop of the same or self-similar patterns.

Tree was inspired to become a focal point of this project. Exploration of trees evolved through various media such as photography - for recording first impressions, through digital editing, extraction of shapes, silkscreen printing and monotype print.

Each creative approach provided different perception on the topic to blur boundaries amongst natural systems and humans.
